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WeaponMod 1.0 Omega Qwe11

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Counter Strike 1.6 Dosya Paylaşım Platformu
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WeaponMod 1.0 Omega Qwe11
Counter Strike 1.6 Dosya Paylaşım Platformu
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WeaponMod 1.0 Omega

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WeaponMod 1.0 Omega Empty WeaponMod 1.0 Omega

Mesaj  HaSaN Paz Haz. 26, 2011 3:28 pm

Current status
Stable version : 1.0 Omega
Supported Mods : 5
Default weapons : 4
Default Addons : 4
Well, WeaponMod is an AMX Mod X plugin which adds new weapons to any mod, as long as it's supported (watch the list of supported mods below).
WeaponMod itself does nothing else than handling the installed and registered weapons, it even doesn't provide weapons to the players! Don't be shocked. WeaponMod has a system which allows developers adding various functions to WeaponMod by building external plugins called addons. By default, WeaponMod comes with 2 addons which are able to hand out weapons to players, the buysystem and the weapon giver.
In the original package, there are 3 weapons provided.

A small documentation is available here (also included in package).
Supported Mods
Counter-Strike 95%
Weaponlist missing
Condition Zero 95% (partically tested)
Weaponlist missing
Did you test it? Let us know it!
The Specialists 85%
Weaponlist missing
Speed dependant on free/used slots missing
Day of Defeat 70%
Weaponlist missing
Ammo display missing
Team Fortress Classic 95% (partically tested)
Weaponlist missing
Did you test it? Let us know it!
Want another mod to be supported? Either write your own gameinfo plugin or request it in the request forums.
Default Weapons
Gravity Gun
Rocket Launcher
Default Addons
XStats Support
Adds support for the statistic modules CSX, TSX and DODX.
Allows players to buy weapons. (mod specific)
Weapon Giver
Allows admins giving weapons to players manually.
Weapon Arena
Gives each new round a random weapon to all players.
If you are a developer and want to build a weapon? It might be useful taking a look into one of weapons provided with WeaponMod, searching the weapon forums or just kindly ask for help in the scripting help forums. Search before you post, it might have been asked before.
If you want to take a quick look in WeaponMod's big API, without downloading the full package, you can watch its available natives, forwards, constants and stocks including comments by clicking here, just open the file you need.
You're sure wondering, why use WeaponMod if you're able to build such weapons yourself? Good question. Never have been asked for adding support for another Half-Life mod beside the available one? No? You've been sure thinking about the troubles that will come up if there are any other 3rd party weapons beside yours installed.
WeaponMod handles all these things internally. It makes it possible to players to carry more than just 1 special weapon, your weapon will work with multiple mods and it's even possible to hack WeaponMod's functionality by writing addons.

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Mesaj Sayısı : 29
Tecrübe Puanı : 2147483647
İtibar : 0
Kayıt tarihi : 06/11/10
Yaş : 26
Nerden : Aydın/Çine

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